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Friday, June 22

how to google

At first you may seem that its a silly post...wondering if anyone can actually read "how to google".
Well, I am here to tell you that there are a few surprises rather than just typing and clicking on search.

We have some special on our keyboard, right..? Lets make some use of them..use these tips when searching in google.
  • Does your favorite site does not have a search facility? What do you do browse the entire site?
    Here's a shortcut search this way:-
    • my content
      Example:- hockey
      (this will now search "hockey" only in the Times of India eh?

  • We have a symbol "~". Use this to search for similar terms.
    Example:- ~college
    (this will search for similar terms like college, university, school...use this when you are unsure about the particular word).

  • Are you frustrated when you get bogus results for a two letter word since google treats them as 2 words but you meant one. Just enclose the word between " " and google will treat as a single entity.
    Example:- You want to search for a dance party. But google gives results for dance and results for party. Save your time. Use "dance party"

  • Sometimes maybe you don't want to include some items in your search. Use a - operator.
    Example:- You want to go to a dance party but not in Delhi. Simply write:- "dance party" -Delhi
    (google will omit the search results containing Delhi)

  • Ever wanted to search in a time range. Like careers in 2008-2012. Searching by default will give you the results over the entire period of time. Shorten the window by using the ... operator. Or ellipses.
    Example:- 2008...2012
Here is a image that can help you understand the above logic better. The coolest thing, all the above symbols can be used simultaneously.
I hope this post will help you reach the exact result faster, the next time you google.


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