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Sunday, July 31

Quickly compress mp3 files

Ever wanted to mail a 5.1 MB song when the allowed attachment is just upto 5mb. Or rather you want to sync your ipod with the latest song but just falling short of an MB and you don't want to delete any other song. Maybe you want to save some hard disk space by deleting some songs.

You need not worry at all. MP3 files can be compressed further to a extent (NO, I am not talking about a compression software like WINZIP or WINRAR).

This free software MP3 Quality modifier will help you to reduce the file size of your songs by reducing the quality of your songs. You can either add individual files or a whole music folder. You can download this software here.

Songs are generally in a 196kbps bitrate. So if you plan to listen your songs in a portable MP3 player, changing the bitrate to 128 kbps would hardly make any difference.
In short, reducing the bitrate a little does not harm the overall quality of the music much, but can save you plenty of disk space.

This is the interface of the tool. For any MP3 layer you can select the "portable" preset and it will give you a decent size. You can also setup a custom bitrate as per your requirements.

On completion of the task you will get a dialog box like this.

Keeping or deleting the original files is completely your discretion.

So enjoy compressing and happy saving.

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