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Tuesday, August 13

Chat on Facebook without getting detected.

Recently Facebook made a change in its chat system and it enables the other user to know that you have seen their message.

Now you see what I mean. A sad thing, Facebook does not allow you to turn this feature off manually, but luckily the browsers today have extensions that can alter the way your browser works.

Step 1.>
Go to this website.

Step 2.>
Depending upon the browser you are using Firefox / Chrome, you will be prompted to install the extension that will then allow you to chat undetected.

Step 3.>

Congratulations, you just went incognito... ;- )

Yes, that's it. You are done. Now suppose I have installed the plugin on my Computer and my friend replies to the chat. Here is an actual screenshot from my friend's computer.


You see, my friend cannot see if I have seen the message or not...catching my rift..?? ;)

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